Bright People. Right Solutions.

On-Call Architectural Historian and Cultural Resources Management Services

  • On-Call Architectural Historian and Cultural Resources Management Services
  • On-Call Architectural Historian and Cultural Resources Management Services
  • On-Call Architectural Historian and Cultural Resources Management Services

Since 2008, Kleinfelder has had an on-call contract for architectural historian and cultural resources management services with MaineDOT. We provide services that fulfill the department’s compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Section 4(f) of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act.

Determining Level of Effort Per Project

The client entrusts Kleinfelder with determining the level of effort needed for each project with independent execution of deliverables. We advocate for our client’s projects knowing that resources are limited. These efforts include objectively analyzing each project to determine an appropriate area of potential effect and limiting research efforts to the most significant resources or most critical project locations.

Providing Strategic Direction

Often the client and federal agency look to Kleinfelder to provide strategic direction throughout Section 106 and Section 4(f) compliance. We assist by accurately interpreting federal regulations, crafting and negotiating memorandum of agreement, and discussing and documenting avoidance and minimization efforts.

Project Results

Kleinfelder has completed more than 500 highway, multi-modal, and municipally managed cultural resources projects for MaineDOT. We have built and continue to maintain a close client relationship with MaineDOT, which continually seeks our expertise on large and complicated transportation projects.

Project Details

Maine (statewide)

Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT)
