How Will the New Stormwater Management Rules Affect You?

On March 2, 2020, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) adopted modifications to the New Jersey Stormwater Management regulations at N.J.A.C. 7:8. The regulations now require use of green infrastructure to achieve water quality, water quantity, and groundwater recharge standards, rather than requiring use of nonstructural strategies to the “greatest extent practicable.” Green infrastructure best management practices (BMPs) treat and infiltrate stormwater close to its source in a way that maintains or closely replicates natural systems.Other updates to the regulations include amending the definition of major development to reference a quarter acre of “motor vehicle surface” rather than impervious surface and changes to support water quality and stormwater improvements in communities with combined sewer systems.The operative date of the regulatory changes is March 2, 2021, which allows time for municipalities to update their local ordinances and industry professionals to acclimate to the new regulations. In addition to updating chapters in the Stormwater BMP Manual, NJDEP has issued a sample ordinance for municipalities to follow and will coordinate resources for engineers and other professionals working in stormwater management.Kleinfelder has extensive experience working with green infrastructure and has been designing stormwater management systems using green infrastructure BMPs for years. Our knowledge of the new stormwater management rules combined with our expertise in green infrastructure puts us in a strong position to assist our clients, from municipalities working to update their local rules to permittees and developers planning projects that will need to comply with the new rules.Kleinfelder Principal Engineer Brian Friedlich, a licensed Professional Engineer in New Jersey, will be one of the experts discussing the new rules at the Green Stormwater Infrastructure Regulatory Webinar, sponsored by The Watershed Institute and the New Jersey Chapter of the American Water Resources Association, on April 23, 2020. Both Brian and Kleinfelder Vice President/Principal Jim Cosgrove, also a licensed Professional Engineer in New Jersey, have given numerous seminars and presentations on stormwater regulations, are published in the New Jersey Environmental Law Handbook, and have designed dozens of successful projects incorporating green infrastructure.A few examples of our green infrastructure projects are featured below. To discuss the new stormwater regulations and how they may affect you, contact Brian at (609) 454-4562 / or Jim Cosgrove at (609) 454-4550 / few examples of our green infrastructure


Rain Garden Installation in Courtyard


“Green” Streets with Pervious Pavement Bike Lanes and Planters


Parking Lot Bioretention Island


Bioswale Design Adjacent to Reservoir

Kleinfelder. Bright People. Right Solutions. Founded in 1961, Kleinfelder is a leading engineering, design, construction management, construction materials inspection and testing, and environmental professional services firm.  Kleinfelder now employs more than 2,200 professionals and operates from over 75 office locations in the United States, Canada, and Australia.  The company is headquartered in San Diego, California.  Poised for growth, Kleinfelder continues to provide high-quality solutions for our diverse client base.  Visit or follow us on LinkedIn/Kleinfelder.