Bright People. Right Solutions.

Van Norman Complex Stormwater Capture Master Plan

  • Van Norman Complex Stormwater Capture Master Plan
  • Van Norman Complex Stormwater Capture Master Plan
  • Van Norman Complex Stormwater Capture Master Plan

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power retained Kleinfelder to develop a stormwater master plan to capture, convey, and utilize stormwater runoff from the Van Norman Complex (VNC) watershed, a 13-square-mile watershed in Northeast Los Angeles. The study’s conclusions will help develop other facilities throughout the expanding city.

Leading Los Angeles to Water

In recent years, environmental restrictions and climate fluctuations have stressed the City of Los Angeles’ water supply—but the water demands of the city’s 4 million citizens has not diminished. LADWP chose the VNC watershed as a pilot study for estimating the feasibility and effectiveness of capturing and using stormwater runoff to enhance their water supply. Specifically, the LADWP sought to beneficially use the collected water at various distribution facilities like irrigation and groundwater recharge.

Models of Success

After gathering data—including identifying 28 types of permits that construction would involve—Kleinfelder developed a hydrologic model of existing VNC conditions, then created an expected yield model to deliver estimates of the City’s potential water capture. Through these, sediment yield studies on the watershed’s mountainous portion, and close work with LADWP, the team developed 15 possible retention alternatives and 35 potential distribution alternatives before narrowing the best solutions into a final Stormwater Master Plan.

Project Results

From top to bottom—from precipitation analyses to groundwater studies—Kleinfelder provided a range of detailed recommendations for LADWP. The results of this project will be used to guide future development of the City’s stormwater facilities, maximizing the efficiency and sustainability of their existing water resources.

Project Details

Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)
