Water Solutions Lifecycle
Kleinfelder plans, designs, and supports construction of water supplies (reservoirs, tanks, and wells); water transmission, distribution and treatment; wastewater conveyance and treatment; stormwater management; climate resilience and adaptation; industrial water and wastewater systems and treatment; and integrated planning, watershed management and regulatory support. We collaborate with our customers to achieve regulatory compliance that balances technical, social, environmental, and economic considerations.
Effectively combining proven methodologies and innovative thinking encourages Kleinfelder staff to provide valuable insights to complex infrastructure challenges.
Strategic Planning
Partnering with our clients to address problems with creative solutions, alternative financing, alternative delivery, regulatory compliance strategies.
Capital Improvement Plans
Prioritization of capital improvements, based on assets at highest risk.
Asset Management
Inventory, condition assessment, risk analysis of infrastructure.
Regulatory Compliance
Auditing, corrective action development, regulatory relationship management and operational guidance, proactive planning for anticipated future obligations.
Kleinfelder’s approach to successful planning begins with thoroughly understanding our client’s situation, and collaboratively developing customized solutions that meet our client’s needs.
Water Resource Management Plans
Integrated water resource management/planning/design and construction, to achieve community economic development objectives.
Wastewater Management Plans
Collection system and treatment requirements, assess community’s needs and achieve regulatory compliance, prepare capital improvement plans.
Water System Master Plans
Assess community’s needs for water supply, distribution, storage, and treatment facilities, prepare capital improvement plans.
Long Term Control Plans
Mitigate combined sewer overflows, through sewer separation, storage and treatment technologies, and green infrastructures, prepare capital improvement plans.
Infiltration / Inflow Studies
Identify and mitigate extraneous sources of I/I into sewer systems employing flow gaging, CCTV, smoke testing, and private source investigation.
Kleinfelder’s objective is to align itself as a trusted advisor to its water clients. We provide a variety of services to meet this objective.
Program Management and Consultation
Strategic planning, in collaboration with client team, to create a cost-effective implementation plan.
Trenchless Technologies Evaluation
Minimize surface impacts, reduce construction time and cost, and permit requirements.
Green Infrastructure Planning and Design
Scalable evaluation, alternatives development, green infrastructure design/construction within master plan constraints, regional initiatives and open space planning.
Regulatory Compliance Strategy
Assist our clients in developing strategies that meet our client’s specific needs.
Kleinfelder’s services continue as the Owner’s Representative once the project moves from the design/permitting phase to the construction phase.
Operation and Maintenance Manuals
Develop O&M manuals for water and wastewater pumping and treatment facilities, tailored to their specific processes.
Performance Testing and Start-Up Assistance
Observation/monitoring of testing of processes at water and wastewater facilities, client operator’s training, and start-up of new facilities.
Special Inspections
Full-time, on-site resident project representatives to monitor construction. Materials testing quality assurance and special inspections during construction.
Resident Project Observation Engineering
Full-time, on-site resident project representatives to monitor construction.
Construction Management
Construction Administration Services: bidding support, shop drawing reviews, schedule and payment reviews, change order management, close out support.
Kleinfelder utilizes its full complement of resources: geotechnical, process, structural, electrical engineers and architects to complete designs of complex water and wastewater facilities.
Odor Control and BioSolids Management
Evaluation/design of alternative biosolids, odor management technologies.
Trenchless Technologies
Alternative trenchless methods and applications for water, sewer, and drainage systems.
Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling
Floodplain management studies, wet weather impacts on sewers, CSOs, storm systems, water distribution system.
Green/Low Impact Development Design
Green infrastructure alternatives and low impact techniques, cost-effective technologies, environmentally sustainable built environments.
Water Supply, Distribution, Storage & Treatment
New and rehabilitated pipelines, storage tanks and reservoirs, wells, pumping systems, ground/surface water treatment. improvement plans
Wastewater Collection and Treatment
New and rehabilitated gravity sewers, pump stations, force mains; upgrade and expansion of wastewater treatment facilities with stringent nutrient limits.
Early identification allows us to streamline critical approvals, negotiate favorable conditions or permit waivers, and improve design alternatives and design process efficiencies on the basis of regulatory mandates.
Water Supply Permitting
New groundwater source approval, regulatory compliance support, water withdrawal permitting, demand management, conservation planning permitting.
NEPA Environmental Documentation
Coordination/document development federal/state EPA programs (EA, EIS), notices of project change, and state equivalents.
USACE Section 404 / Section 10 & Water Quality Section 401 Permitting
Permit submittal design / drawings / preparation / negotiation, impact assessments, mitigation strategies, project narratives.
NPDES MS4 (Stormwater)
Regulatory negotiation, Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Phase I/II, plan implementation, ordinance development, GIS services/mapping, quality monitoring.
NPDES Permitting for Wastewater & Stormwater
Negotiate permits, prepare permit documentation, prepare required operational plans.