Disability Independence Day: Spotlight on ADA Projects

Kleinfelder is proud to support the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 33rd Anniversary. On July 26th, we celebrate this important civil rights law that works to ensure all people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.

Nationwide, Kleinfelder has contributed design and construction services to many projects that have led to significant improvements for people with disabilities.

Vice President and Senior Program Manager for Kleinfelder-Century Bret Martine shared a sampling of projects in Delaware where clients rely on our knowledge and expertise in ADA compliance:

Over the past 15 years, Kleinfelder-Century has designed and managed the construction of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s statewide boat ramps improvement program. This includes parking lot paving, efficient parking layout, and ADA compliancy. In this photo, proper van and vehicular ADA parking was increased per ADA regulations.


Kleinfelder-Century has designed and managed over 100 traffic signal improvement builds for the Delaware Department of Transportation, including full rebuilds, signal timings, ADA ramps, countdown pedestrian signal heads, audible push buttons, and compliant crosswalk pavement markings.


Here, our design team conducts field measurements to verify that the cross-slopes of sidewalks and crosswalks were within specific tolerances for the Town of Ocean View and Delaware Department of Transportation. This type of care is standard for all ADA-based projects.


During a drainage and sidewalk improvement project, Delaware State University requested improvements to a pathway connecting their event parking to a desirable destination for shopping and food. All improvements were ADA-compliant.


In 2010, the Delaware Department of Transportation requested a wooden platform that could be used to divert the pedestrian traffic from an active work zone. This was the first off-alignment pedestrian platform for the State of Delaware and was critical in the early development of temporary ramps and pathways to avoid construction areas. From this project, we developed the Department’s details and standard specifications for this type of structure and have since modified several times to include kick plates, detectable end treatments, and handrails.