Kleinfelder Supports Development of Caritas Village, Helping Homeless and Low-Income Families

For the past three years, Kleinfelder has been working with Catholic Charities, a nonprofit organization, on Caritas Village – a full city-block of development in Santa Rosa, CA that combines a comprehensive family and homeless support services facility (Caritas Center) and an affordable housing development (Caritas Homes).

Spanning 48,000 square feet, Caritas Center includes a family shelter, childcare center, drop-in center, and recuperation shelter, as well as a new health clinic partnership with Santa Rosa Community Health. Caritas Homes offers 128 apartments of affordable permanent housing to people who represent a cross-section of the community, including working singles, vulnerable seniors, veterans, and families whose income can’t keep up with the current rental market.

The project was made possible by capital campaign funds, tax credits, and support from the local community, including service donations from consultants like Kleinfelder. Recognizing the positive impact Caritas Village would have within the community, Kleinfelder discounted their fees for geotechnical engineering and special inspection services by 10%, equating to over $15,000 donated to the project. With additional donated time from Kleinfelder’s project manager, the project still met internal profit goals. In appreciation of Kleinfelder’s services, Kleinfelder was gifted a donor plaque by Catholic Charities, which is permanently featured on a wall at the facility.

“When I was approached early on in the conception phase of this project, I knew both personally and professionally this was a worthwhile project to partner with Catholic Charities on, and one Kleinfelder would be proud to support, along with countless other generous companies and personal donors,” explained Kleinfelder Project Manager and Sr. Principal Engineering Geologist Bill McCormick.  “After touring the finished facility, I was truly impressed with all the thought and design that went into this one-of-a-kind facility.  A shining example of community involvement!”

Now fully operational, Caritas Village is the only full-service facility north of San Francisco specifically designed to provide assistance to the homeless.  With the facility’s expanded housing and resources, it’s estimated that the community will be able to get twice as many people off the streets and into permanent housing each year.

In appreciation of Kleinfelder’s services, Kleinfelder was gifted a donor plaque by Catholic Charities.
The plaques are permanently featured on a wall at the facility.