Nancy Meilahn Fowler Represents Kleinfelder at A&WMA Conference

Nancy Meilahn Fowler from our Houston office is the 2022 President of the International Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA), where Kleinfelder also holds an organizational membership. As President of the A&WMA, Nancy leads strategic planning, publishes a monthly article in the A&WMA’s EM magazine, presides over monthly Board of Directors’ and Finance Committee calls, moderates webinars, attends and opens specialty conferences and local section or chapter meetings, and networks with stakeholders to ensure timely and relevant technical content is available to the members. ​​​​​​​

Nancy presided over the A&WMA’s 115th Annual Conference and Exhibition and related meetings in San Francisco during the last week in June, where Kleinfelder was also represented as a supporting sponsor.

The conference had approximately 600 attendees representing a mix of industry, regulators, academia, and consultants hailing from 12 countries and 5 continents.  Presentations, panels, and poster sessions covered a range of topics from environmental justice to the circular economy, from NOx and SOx to PFOS and other emerging contaminants, and from lessons learned to the crystal ball views of the future. ​​​​​​​

“We are all excited to return to face-to-face conferences after the last two years,” Nancy said. “I love this conference in particular because I am able to network with and learn from such a variety of people, whether greenhouse gas practitioners from the oil and gas industry, vapor intrusion experts in the Midwest, or regulators in charge of environmental justice and permitting. The knowledge and network are truly world-class.”

In addition to the technical programming, Nancy led a daylong meeting of the Association’s Board of Directors, led strategic planning discussions, attended and presented to various councils and committees, and altogether did five presentations, three speeches, opened the conference and exhibit hall, and presented awards during the Honors and Awards Ceremony, which included giving over $68,000 in student scholarships and awards.  And she still managed to attend a couple of meetings and field a few phone calls and emails from the office!

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