Rita Fordiani
SVP, Technical Director
“Every day is a privilege to work with our clients. I’m proud that Kleinfelder creatively and cost-effectively manages our most challenging infrastructure priorities. Our water resources and land environment are precious. Proper management is critical to our public health and livelihood, and I am committed to delivering high-quality solutions to our clients’ challenges. Whether infrastructure is above ground or below ground, Kleinfelder’s multi-disciplined teamwork and dedication leads to practical, holistic solutions.”
As the Technical Director and Water Market Manager, Rita unites our diverse service offerings with our integrated, multi-disciplined talent into a highly effective team energized to serve our clients’ needs. She promotes responsive, innovative thinking with practical solutions to deliver the most effective results. With over 36 years in the industry, Rita is passionate about making cost-effective infrastructure and water quality improvements throughout our world.
Her educational background includes a B.S. in civil engineering/water resources from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an M.S. in civil/environmental engineering from Tufts University. She is a Professional Civil Engineer registered in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Maine.