Bright People. Right Solutions.

York Street Pump Station and Connecticut River Crossing

  • York Street Pump Station and Connecticut River Crossing
  • York Street Pump Station and Connecticut River Crossing
  • York Street Pump Station and Connecticut River Crossing

Kleinfelder designed and oversaw construction for this project which was the cornerstone of Springfield Water and Sewer Commission’s 40-year Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Integrated Wastewater Plan (IWP). Elements include a new 62 mgd combined sewer pump station and three 1,100-foot pipelines crossing the Connecticut River to convey wastewater to the Springfield Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility (SRWTF).

CSO Abatement & An Aging Wastewater System

Faced with an Administrative Consent Order from the EPA related to CSO abatement, along with operating and maintaining a wastewater collection system more than a century old, the Commission needed to develop a plan to prioritize spending of rate payer revenues to achieve their Clean Water Act obligations while providing adequate level of service for their customers. The critical element in CSO abatement is conveying additional flow to the SRWTF.

Planning Within Operating & Affordability Constraints

Kleinfelder developed a plan to achieve CSO abatement within the operating and affordability constraints of the Commission. The plan took two parallel tracks: 1) selecting the right projects for compliance and 2) sequencing the projects to maximize benefit early in the plan. Phase 2 of the plan included the York St. Pump Station & Connecticut River Crossing Project, which provides an additional 32 mgd of combined sewer conveyance capacity to the SRWTF. Combining major capital improvements (pump station and river crossing force main) and redundancy planning (a sewer siphon redundant to another major river crossing pipeline) into one project early in the IWP reduced costs and provided for greater flexibility in the execution of the remainder of the IWP.

Project Results

The project achieves CSO reduction and provides climate resiliency, system redundancy, and infrastructure renewal. Value Engineering saved the Commission over $1 million by eliminating a significant portion of the superstructure of the pump station and enhanced operational flexibility by providing two force mains to carry wet weather flows that are also redundant for dry weather flows and a siphon redundant to other major river crossing pipelines.

Project Details

Springfield, MA

Springfield Water & Sewer Commission
