Bright People. Right Solutions.

Tap and High-Pressure Main Design

  • Tap and High-Pressure Main Design

Kleinfelder designed a 5.7-mile installation of eight-inch steel pipe to increase Southern Company Gas’s pipeline capacity in Paulding County, Georgia. The pipeline was designed as a high-pressure (300 psig MAOP) distribution pipeline, fed via a tap from the existing Transco Williams pipeline. The replacement alignment was placed predominantly in the road right-of-way. The scope of work also required Kleinfelder to collaborate with subject matter experts to perform a geotechnical study, cathodic protection (CP) and AC mitigation study, CP/AC design, and provide a full-time, NACE-accredited CP inspector during construction.

Stakeholder Involvement

Kleinfelder worked closely with Southern Company Gas and local county engineering representatives to obtain County utility drawings. Kleinfelder developed exhibits to facilitate discussions of the Gate Station land acquisition, discussions with Transco Williams, and to clearly convey proposed access and grading to multiple stakeholders. To facilitate the site selection and land acquisition of the proposed tap and gate station, Kleinfelder completed a detailed site selection study.

Phased Construction

Kleinfelder worked with Southern Company Gas to split the project into two phases. Phase 1 accommodated Paulding County’s request to accelerate construction of a Jack and Bore and horizontal directional drilling (HDD) ahead of the Bob Hunton roundabout road improvement project, and installed 1,500 feet of open trench along Winn Road during a local school’s spring break. Piping from Phase 1 was installed in 2019, connected to temporary anodes and purged with nitrogen before being left in place to be tied into Phase 2 at a later date.

Construction of the remainder of the 5.7-mile installation, Phase 2, took place in 2020. During the installation of Phase 2, Kleinfelder collaborated with Southern Company Gas and the construction contractor to answer technical requests for information (RFIs), as well as design a convenience HDD to navigate a portion of congested right-of-way with minimal workspace available.

Project Results

Kleinfelder worked closely with local stakeholders, subject matter experts, and the client to complete this 5.7-mile installation, which included nine HDDs and 14 Jack and Bores.

Project Details

Paulding County, GA
Southern Company Gas
