Bright People. Right Solutions.

Salem Water Supply and Resource Investigation

  • Salem Water Supply and Resource Investigation
  • Salem Water Supply and Resource Investigation
  • Salem Water Supply and Resource Investigation
  • Salem Water Supply and Resource Investigation

The Town of Salem, NH, contracted Kleinfelder to provide engineering services for the development of a long-range water-supply management and conservation plan to meet local and national compliance standards and to create a groundwork for the future of the Town’s water resources.

Planning Today and Tomorrow

To satisfy an Administration Order issued by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES), the Town of Salem sought a long-range water-supply management and conservation plan to manage its existing surface and groundwater supplies, develop new groundwater supplies, and implement water conservation measures.

In-Depth Investigations

Kleinfelder’s studies included analyzing alternatives for treating Canobie Lake surface water to meet Safe Water Drinking Act (SDWA) filter requirements; analyzing treatment alternatives for existing groundwater supplies for compliance with the proposed Radon Rule; evaluating new sources of potential water supply, analyzing production and consumption data, and development of projected system demands; an inventory of existing infrastructure and field investigations; and analyzing distribution system improvements and water-storage capacity requirements.

Project Results

In addition to providing a comprehensive investigation of the Town’s water supply, Kleinfelder’s studies provided the Town with cost-effective information on sources of water, treatment strategies, and improvements to transmission and storage facilities to meet the long-term needs of the Town’s municipal water consumers.

Project Details

Salem, New Hampshire

Town of Salem
