Bright People. Right Solutions.

Ramanessin Brook Watershed Restoration

  • Ramanessin Brook Watershed Restoration
  • Ramanessin Brook Watershed Restoration
  • Ramanessin Brook Watershed Restoration

Kleinfelder partnered with Monmouth County through all phases of restoration in the Ramanessin Brook watershed, from diagnostic modeling through implementation of specific stormwater retrofits.  The project illustrates the use of Federal Clean Water Act Section 319(h) Program funding to develop meaningful diagnostic tools, which then attracted additional funding for implementation.

Limited Data and Funding

The Ramanessin Brook is designated by the State of New Jersey as impaired by total phosphorus and fecal coliform. However, the State’s assessment was based on limited data, and funding was limited at both local and county levels to diagnose the causes or address the impairments. There are no point sources other than stormwater within the watershed. The relative importance of stormwater inputs versus instream erosion was not understood, nor was the natural condition characterized.

Extensive Field Sampling and Watershet Modeling

Kleinfelder partnered with the County to obtain federal 319(h) funding through the State for a diagnostic study. The study utilized extensive field sampling and watershed modeling to evaluate the pollutant sources and to assess water quality impacts due to nonpoint sources, specifically instream erosion and stormwater. Kleinfelder prepared a restoration plan based on the study results and obtained additional 319(h) funding for specific implementation projects, including both stormwater retrofits and streambank stabilization.

Project Results

Kleinfelder developed hydrologic, hydraulic, and nonpoint source pollutant loading models of the watershed in order to direct retrofits to areas that can produce the most environmental benefit. We identified and prioritized five individual project sites based on effectiveness, access to site, cost, and maintenance. Our best management practices focus on treating runoff in the smaller water quality events and protecting against instream erosion.

Project Details

Holmdel, Monmouth County, New Jersey

Monmouth County Park System
