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Prosper on Fayette and Springhill Suites Multi-Property Development Sustainability

  • Prosper on Fayette and Springhill Suites Multi-Property Development Sustainability

The Prosper on Fayette and Springhill Suites project consisted of renovations to the historic Drovers and Mechanics National Bank Building and adjacent new construction in Baltimore’s Westside neighborhood. This mixed-use development provides 181 market-rate residential apartments, 150 hotel rooms, 120 structured parking spaces, and 7,000 square feet of ground-level retail.

Multi-Property Development

Kleinfelder provided stormwater management design, including the design of green roof elements; electrical and plumbing engineering; survey and sUAS services; demolition plans; grading and erosion and sediment control plans; developer’s agreement services; permitting; and plans for ADA-compliant crossings at all four corners of the property.

There were several unique opportunities and constraints associated with this project. The project team developed an entire city block; however, the Prosper on Fayette apartment building component only accounted for roughly half of the site footprint. For a variety of construction and code-compliance issues, the entire block was developed as a single building. The hotel incorporates a historic five-story bank building as well as new construction. This necessitated the creation of both a vertical and horizontal condominium regime to account for the separate uses and ownership groups, and shared amenities such as structured parking.

Sustainable Design Elements

Prosper on Fayette complies with the International Green Construction Code (IgCC). The design incorporates green roofs, water-efficient landscaping and irrigation, local materials, water efficient plumbing fixtures, Energy Star appliances, the adaptive reuse of a historic building, urban infill development, HVAC and lighting efficiency over ten percent above International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) minimums.

To further illustrate the project’s sustainability, it has been rated with a 99-point walk score, and a 100-point transit score. Bicycle access and safe bicycle routes are ever increasing in the area, with the project site currently receiving a 77-point bike score. Residents and visitors have access to on-site bicycle storage, and are encouraged to use LEV parking through preferred parking spaces.

Project Results

Prosper on Fayette and Springhill Suites opened for public use in August, 2021. The multi-property development was honored by the Baltimore Chapter of the Urban Land Institute (ULI Baltimore) in 2022 with a WaveMaker award, showcasing the project’s sense of place and quality, sustainability, visionary/emulation qualities, and need in the community.

Project Details

Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Properties, LLC
