Elevated concentrations of mercury and lead were found in soil at a former natural gas processing plant. The Railroad Commission of Texas contracted Kleinfelder to investigate the extent of the soil contamination and develop and execute a remediation plan.
The contamination was present in surface soils in an area of the former plant that had been redeveloped for residential use. Prolonged exposure to the contaminated soils could be harmful to the health of individuals in the area. Contaminated soil was also present in an area with an extensive network of abandoned piping.
Kleinfelder’s investigation delineated the extent of contaminated surface soil, and the results were used to develop a remediation plan for removal of the impacted soil. Kleinfelder directed and managed soil removal contractors during remediation activities. Verification soil sampling was conducted and expedited sample analysis was obtained to avoid unnecessary delays. Where necessary, additional excavation and removal was completed.
After completion of the soil removal action, remaining concentrations of lead and mercury were documented to be protective of human exposure. The area was backfilled with clean fill material and restored to its original elevation, thereby ensuring the health of individuals in the residential development.
Henderson County, Texas
Railroad Commission of Texas