Bright People. Right Solutions.

Downtown Houston Fire Station

  • Downtown Houston Fire Station
  • Downtown Houston Fire Station
  • Downtown Houston Fire Station
  • Downtown Houston Fire Station
  • Downtown Houston Fire Station

The City of Houston was ready to vacate an obsolete, aging fire station and construct a state-of-the-art facility at a new location. The new site covered a full city block, previously occupied by a multi-story building that had been destroyed in a fire. Kleinfelder prepared specifications that were included in the City of Houston’s bid documents and conducted oversight of the contractor’s work.

Obstacles During Excavation

Some unexpected obstacles were encountered during excavation, including an underground storage tank (UST) filled with used oil and more than 70 concrete piers that required removal and disposal. Additionally, ash-laden water in the basement clogged the filtration system, requiring development of an alternate method.

Obtaining Regulatory Closure

Kleinfelder investigation and remediation experts worked closely with the contractor to quickly identify these issues and offer practical solutions to unanticipated conditions. Regulatory closure was obtained for the UST, and change orders for pier removal were crafted and processed efficiently in order to avoid delays.

Project Results

The Kleinfelder team has performed multiple investigation and remediation projects for the City of Houston. The team found this to be a uniquely satisfying project because of the unusual scenarios and its ability to offer effective solutions. At the conclusion of the project, the client had a suitable site to move forward with construction of the new fire station.

Project Details

Downtown Houston, Texas

City of Houston
