Bright People. Right Solutions.

Central 70 Between I-25 and Chambers Road Widening and Express Lanes

  • Central 70 Between I-25 and Chambers Road Widening and Express Lanes
  • Central 70 Between I-25 and Chambers Road Widening and Express Lanes

Central 70 between I-25 and Chambers Road is a main thoroughfare in the Denver area, carrying approximately 200,000 vehicles each day. The $1.2-billion project included the reconstruction of a 10-mile stretch of the I-70 corridor, adding an express lane in each direction, removed the 57-year-old viaduct, lowered a portion of the interstate, and placed a four-acre park over a portion of the lowered interstate.

Major Thoroughfare Upgrades

The Central 70 project reconstructed a ten-mile stretch of I-70 corridor, added one new express lane in each direction, removed an aging 50-year old viaduct, lowered the interstate between Brighton and Colorado boulevards, and placed a four-acre cover over a portion of the lowered interstate. The project widened I-70 from I-270 to Chambers Road and re-striped I-70 from I-25 to Brighton Boulevard to accommodate the new express lane.

Independent Quality Control Services

Kleinfelder provided independent quality control (IQC) services for the project, including full-time inspection and materials testing for all project elements including earthwork, drainage and utilities, concrete structures, and pavement. To perform these duties successfully, Kleinfelder issued and helped to resolve nonconformance notices and nonconformance reports, attended project team meetings, maintained accurate notes and photos of construction work, and performed materials testing in accordance with the latest version of CDOT’s FMM and Project Agreement. Together, these processes helped to ensure that work products were constructed in accordance with all applicable project requirements.

Project Results

The new stretch of Central 70 through Denver was officially reconfigured and opened to traffic in late 2022. It has reduced congestion, improved safety for travelers, and will better accommodate future growth along the I-70 transportation corridor. The project received Community Impact of the Year Award from American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) in 2019.

Project Details

Denver, CO
Colorado Department of Transportation
