Adams County Economic and Community Development selected Kleinfelder to lead the efforts to secure a $100,000 grant from Ohio’s Local Government Innovative Fund (LGIF) for planning purposes. Kleinfelder then led planning services for the development of an economic and tourism development plan for the County.
The County sought to create a plan to attract new businesses, retain existing businesses, enhance local downtown areas, develop financial incentives, and create new tourism marketing initiatives.
Kleinfelder retained local sub-consultants in marketing and urban design to help prepare a comprehensive plan addressing the County’s objectives. Adams County also appointed a 24-member committee to assist in the process. Kleinfelder also provided public meetings for community input. The completed plan included:
The Economic Development and Tourism Plan addressed ways for the County to retain and attract more business and industry to the area. Taking a comprehensive approach, Kleinfelder addressed strategies to attract new businesses, the development of marketing strategies, ways to enhance financial incentives, and the development of an achievable work plan to implement recommendations.
Adams County, Ohio
Adams County Economic and Community Development