Bill McCormick Named AEG Honorary Member
SANTA ROSA, CA (October 5, 2023) – Kleinfelder Senior Principal Professional Bill McCormick, PG, CEG, was named an Honorary Member by the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG). The Honorary Member rank represents one of the highest distinctions within AEG and signifies McCormick’s exceptional expertise and contributions to the field of engineering geology.
With a career spanning over 38 years, McCormick has been a driving force behind managing and conducting geologic and engineering geologic investigations across Northern California and the western U.S. His expertise in slope stabilization has earned him national and international recognition as a foremost authority in this critical aspect of engineering geology. He is also a proven leader in landslide evaluation and mitigation design, Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone evaluation studies, paleoseismic investigations, and geologic and geomorphic mapping.
As a long-standing member of AEG since 1987, McCormick has attended and presented at most annual meetings and has also led field trips. He has applied his passion and expertise to advancing the core values and principles of AEG as well as new standards in the industry, upholding the importance of applied field engineering geology techniques and skills, and inspiring future generations of professionals.
McCormick’s induction into the exclusive ranks of AEG’s Honorary Members is a testament to his outstanding contributions, not only to the profession but also to the advancement of engineering geology as a whole. Since its inception in 1958, the title of Honorary Member has been bestowed upon just 37 individuals to date. Now part of this esteemed group, McCormick stands alongside some of the most revered names in the profession.
“I am deeply honored to receive this recognition from AEG,” commented McCormick. “Throughout my career, I have been passionate about advancing the field of engineering geology, and it is truly humbling to be acknowledged by such a respected organization. I look forward to continuing my contributions to the industry and working with my colleagues to address the complex challenges we face in our profession. I can’t emphasize how much being a member of AEG has contributed to my motivation to do challenging and quality work.”
Kleinfelder. Bright People. Right Solutions. Founded in 1961, Kleinfelder is a leading engineering, design, construction management, construction materials inspection and testing, and environmental professional services firm. Kleinfelder employs more than 3,100 professionals and operates from over 105 office locations in the United States, Canada, and Australia. The company is headquartered in San Diego, California. Poised for growth, Kleinfelder continues to provide high-quality solutions for a diverse client base. For more information about Kleinfelder, please visit or LinkedIn/Kleinfelder.